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緬懷Paul Lehman教授



     音樂教育學者Paul R. Lehman教授,2024年3月24日於美國德州去世,享年92歲。Lehman教授可說是當代最具影響力的音樂教育學者,他是University of Michigan榮譽教授,曾任美國全國音樂教育協會(NAfME)的主席及主導協會各項工作,積極推動並改革美國K-12的音樂課程,建立音樂學習評量的策略等。Lehman教授是制訂美國藝術教育國家標準Natonal Standards for Arts Education(1994)的音樂課程主席,且自六O年代起就擔任NAEP音樂評量小組的重要成員。


     Lehman教授在學習評量和教師評鑑領域具備豐富學識和經驗,因此2013年4月10-13日在師大舉辦的「第四屆國際音樂教育評量研討會」(ISAME4)特別邀請他擔任大會開幕的主講,讓國內的教師和學生,有機會聆聽他的演說,目睹他的風采。當天講題How Are We Doing?,內容精闢的陳述評量的重要性,並以美國推動評量為例,分析各項方案的成敗因素,同時提供各國成功的案例供參考,讓與會者留下深刻印象。


     Lehman教授除了在美國各地演講,積極推動音樂教育政策外,他同時也關注國際音樂教育,曾任國際音樂教育學會(ISME)多項委員會之委員,並於2002年獲頒榮譽終身會員(Honorary Life Member)。Lehman教授可說是終身以音樂教育為志業,2022年11月3日當他擔任2022 NAfME全國性大會的主講時,雖是91歲的高齡,但仍保持一貫的信念,講題為Toward a Better Tomorrow!





典型在夙昔——憶Paul Lehman教授



     美國音樂教育學者Paul Lehman教授(1931.4.20-2024.3.24)畢生實踐他對音樂教育的信念,透過諮詢、演說、著作與卓越的專業經歷,倡議音樂與藝術課程對每一個孩子的重要性與無可取代性,持續指出音樂教育的困境並提供改善策略,受人敬重,並享譽國際。


     Lehman教授與University of Michigan淵源深厚,於1959年、1962年先後在該校取得碩士、博士學位,曾受教於知名音樂教育家Allen Britton教授,之後於該校任職並獲頒榮譽教授。在NAfME名為MENC期間(1934-1998),Lehman教授身兼多項要職,因此有許多貢獻。The Goals and Objectives Project(1969-1970)即由Lehman教授主導,不僅延續The Tanglewood Symposium(1968)的理念,也提供MENC以及音樂教育者一個長期的音樂教學指導計畫。Lehman教授也是The Ann Arbor Symposium的主席(1978-1982),致力探討心理學於音樂教學的運用。


     2013年4月10-13日,ISAME4於國立臺灣師範大學舉辦,在大會主席之一Timothy Brophy教授的引介下,Lehman教授應邀擔任研討會開幕主講,臺灣音樂教育界有幸能親睹其風采。Lehman教授以How Are We Doing?為題,指出評量在理論與實務的挑戰,並勉勵音樂教育者對評量展現更多創意與領導力。為了研討會相關事宜,我曾數次寫信給Lehman教授並協助接待;大會期間宋曜廷副校長宴請研討會貴賓,談話間Lehman教授平易近人,令人如沐春風。在音樂教育長遠而深刻的軌跡中,Lehman教授是我們追懷的典範。






保羅·雷曼 (Paul R. Lehman)ISME會員簡介


     Paul Lehman博士是University of Michigan音樂學院的榮譽教授,他音樂教育領域的卓越貢獻為美國與國際周知。美國音樂教育工作者視保羅·雷曼為 “國家音樂教育寶藏”,然他的貢獻已遍及全球。自1984年以來,他在美國44個州以及英國、加拿大、澳大利亞、俄羅斯、德國、瑞典、荷蘭、愛爾蘭、韓國、日本、芬蘭、新加坡和南非發表了200多場演講。他的作品超過150篇文章、評論、書籍,內容涉及教育改革、課程、教師教育、測量和評估等方面,其中一些作品也被翻譯成德文、西班牙文、中文、日文和韓文。

     他對國際音樂教育協會的貢獻非凡, Lehman博士於1966年參加了他的第一次ISME世界會議,從那時起,除了六次世界會議外,他幾乎參加所有的世界會議。除了會議,他還活躍於各個委員會。1968年,他被邀請在第一個ISME委員會,研究委員會的第一次研討會上發表論文,從那時起,他參與七個委員會中的五個委員會活動。


     Lehman博士於1988年至1992年擔任兩屆ISME 理事會的理事。他起草了ISME信念宣言,擔任ISME章程修訂委員會主席,最近期還擔任ISME委員會組織的審查委員。1984年至1986年他擔任了ISME的美國聯盟組織-MENC的全國主席。從雷曼博士於1998年被提名為ISME主席候選人,即可看出雷曼博士於國際上受到高度的尊敬。


     Paul Lehman博士是過去三十年來美國音樂教育界公認最重要的貢獻者之一,但他的成就和對音樂教育領域的奉獻早已跨越各個領域和國界了。

Paul Lehman


  Dr Paul Lehman, Professor Emeritus of the University of Michigan School of Music, has had a most distinguished career in music education both nationally and internationally. Music educators in the United States consider Paul Lehman our "national music education treasure", but his contributions have been worldwide. Since 1984 he has given more than 200 addresses in 44 states of the U.S. and in Britain, Canada, Australia, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Ireland, Korea, Japan, Finland, Singapore, and South Africa. He has to his credit more than 150 articles, reviews, books, and chapters in books on education reform, curriculum, teacher education, and measurement and evaluation, including works translated into German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

  His contributions to the International Society for Music Education have been extraordinary. Dr Lehman attended his first ISME conference in 1966 and since that time has attended all but six world conferences. In addition to the conferences, he has been very active in the commissions. He was invited to give a paper at the first seminar of the first ISME Commission, the Research Commission in1968, and since that time has participated in the activities of five of the seven commissions.


  Dr Lehman served on the ISME Board of Directors for two terms from 1988 to 1992. He drafted the ISME Declaration of Beliefs, chaired the ISME Constitution Revision Committee, and most recently served as a member of the Committee to Review the ISME Commission Structure. He also served as national president of MENC, ISME's national affiliate in the United States from 1984-86. The esteem in which Dr Lehman is held internationally is evidenced by his being nominated as a candidate for President of ISME in 1998.


  While Paul Lehman is considered to be one of the most significant contributors to American music education in the past three decades, his accomplishments and dedication to our profession cross all borders and boundaries.


保羅·雷曼(Paul R. Lehman)維基百科簡介

     Paul R. Lehman是一位美國音樂教育家,基於他對音樂和教育奉獻,他致力於提升音樂和其他藝術應為美國中小學的重要學科。他曾在1984年至1986年間擔任Music Educators National Conference (MEMC, 現今的NAfME)主席,當時期對藝術教育特別有挑戰,因為國家卓越教育委員會於1983年發表了具有時代里程的報告“A Nation at Risk”,強調回歸基礎課程。五十多年來,Lehman持續努力透過演講、寫作和其他宣傳工作,確保藝術仍推至美國每位兒童的學校教育。


  Paul R. Lehman於1931年4月20日出生於俄亥俄州的雅典市。他的父親, Harvey Christian Lehman,是俄亥俄大學雅典分校的心理學教授。他的母親, Vera Marjorie Simmons Lehman,在保羅即將進入三年級時因乳腺癌去世。1953年6月28日,他與Virginia Ruth Wickline結婚,他們相識於高中管樂團。他們育有兩個孩子,David Alan (1963—) 以及Laura Ann (1965—)。

  Lehman 1949年從俄亥俄州雅典高中畢業,並於同年進入俄亥俄大學主修音樂教育,於1953年獲得學士學位。在美國空軍服役兩年後,他開始在University of Michigan大學攻讀研究所,並分別於1959年獲得管樂器碩士學位、1962年獲得音樂教育博士學位。他指導老師包括高中管樂團指導老師William C. Fingerhut,以及University of Michigan教授William D. Revelli、Allen Britton和Marguerite Hood。


  Lehman曾在俄亥俄州Stark縣Jackson鎮的學校教授樂器和聲樂。在研究所畢業後,他先後擔任了University of Colorado(1962-1965年)講師與助理教授)、University of Kentucky(1965-1970年)副教授與教授、以及Eastman School of Music(1970-1975年)教授。1967-1968年自University of Kentucky休假期間,他在美國華盛頓特區的教育部辦公室擔任音樂專家。1975年回到University of Michigan擔任教授,1977年成為音樂學院副院長,並於1989年被任命為資深副院長。


  1970年他曾主持全國音樂教育協會(MENC) “Goals and Objectives Project“(GO Project),並於1974年擔任制定學校音樂課程標準的MENC全國教學委員會主席;1978年、1979年和1982年Applications of Psychology to the Teaching and Learning of Music (The Ann Arbor Symposium) 主席;1969-1975年Advanced Placement Examination in Music (AP Music Theory) of the College Board (1969–75)(AP Music Theory)的重要審查者;1970-1974年、1995-1998年美國國家教育評估的音樂評估內容之顧問以及1973-1975年、1978年、1989-1994年國家音樂教師檢定考試測驗之檢核與修訂委員。除此之外,他身為巴松管演奏家也與許多管絃樂團同台演出。

  1992-1994年他主持編寫National voluntary standards for K-12 music (1992–94)、 Opportunity To Learn Standards for Music Instruction (1992–94)、以及National Performance Standards for Music (1994–96)。他曾發表出版200多篇文章與刊物,並幾乎在美國每個州和其他十多個國家進行300多場有關教育的講座。自1996年退休以來,他仍持續教授各種音樂繼續教育之相關課程。



  • Honorary Life Member of the International Society for Music Education

  • Member of the Music Educators Hall of Fame

  • Distinguished Service Award, Music Industry Conference

  • National Citation, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia fraternity

  • Citation, National Federation of Music Clubs

  • Citation, Foundation for the Advancement of Education in Music

  • Lowell Mason Fellow, Music Educators National Conference

  • The National Symposium “Aiming for Excellence: The Impact of the Standards Movement on Music Education,” cosponsored by the University of Michigan School of Music and the Music Educators National Conference, was dedicated to him on the occasion of his retirement from the University of Michigan School of Music

Paul R. Lehman

  Paul R. Lehman is an American Music Educator.

  As a result of his commitment to both music and education he has devoted his career to promoting music and the other arts as essential disciplines in the elementary and secondary schools of the United States. He served as president of the Music Educators National Conference (now the National Association for Music Education) from 1984 to 1986, which was a particularly challenging period for arts education because of the emphasis on ”back to basics” that resulted from the landmark report, ”A Nation at Risk”, published in 1983 by the National Commission on Excellence in Education. Through his speeches, writings, and other advocacy efforts for more than fifty years he has contributed in important ways to the continuing effort to ensure that the arts remain a part of the education of every child in America.

Early life

  Paul Robert Lehman was born on April 20, 1931, in Athens, Ohio. His father, Harvey Christian Lehman, was a Professor of Psychology at Ohio University in Athens. His mother, Vera Marjorie Simmons Lehman, died of breast cancer as Paul was about to enter grade three. On June 28, 1953, he married Virginia Ruth Wickline, whom he had known since their days together in high school band. They have two children, David Alan (1963—) and Laura Ann (1965—).



  Lehman received his high school diploma from Athens (Ohio) High School in 1949. He enrolled at Ohio University as a major in music education and received his B.Sc. degree in 1953. Following two years of service in the U.S. Air Force, he began graduate work at the University of Michigan, where he received his M.Mus. degree in Wind Instruments in 1959 and his Ph.D. in Music Education in 1962. His principal mentors were his high school band director, William C. Fingerhut, and his professors at the University of Michigan, William D. Revelli, Allen Britton, and Marguerite Hood.

Work experience

  He taught instrumental and vocal music in the schools of Jackson Township, Stark County, Ohio. Following his graduate work, he received appointments as instructor (later Assistant Professor) at the University of Colorado (1962-1965), as Associate Professor (later Professor) at the University of Kentucky (1965-1970), and as Professor at the Eastman School of Music (1970-1975). While on leave from the University of Kentucky in 1967-68 he served as Music Specialist in the U.S. Office of Education (now Department of Education) in Washington, D.C. Returning to the University of Michigan as a Professor in 1975, he became Associate Dean of the School of Music in 1977 and was appointed to the newly created position of Senior Associate Dean in 1989.

  He served as Project Director for Phase 2 of the Goals and Objectives Project (GO Project) of the Music Educators National Conference (MENC) in 1970, and he was chair of the MENC National Commission on Instruction, which developed the pioneering publication The School Music Program: Description and Standards in 1974. He served as Project Director for the three sessions of the National Symposium on the Applications of Psychology to the Teaching and Learning of Music (The Ann Arbor Symposium) in 1978, 1979, and 1982. He served as the initial Chief Reader for the Advanced Placement Examination in Music (AP Music Theory) of the College Board (1969–75), as a consultant in the music assessments of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (1970–74, 1995–98), and as a member of the committee to revise the Music Education Test of the National Teacher Examination of the Educational Testing Service (1973–75, 1978, 1989–94). He also performed as a bassoonist with various orchestras.

  He was chair of the music task force that wrote the national voluntary standards for K-12 music (1992–94), Opportunity To Learn Standards for Music Instruction (1992–94), and National Performance Standards for Music (1994–96). He is the author of more than 200 articles and other publications, and he has delivered more than 300 lectures on education in nearly every state of the U..S. and more than a dozen other countries. Since his retirement in 1996 he has taught a variety of continuing education courses in music.


Honors and awards

  • Honorary Life Member of the International Society for Music Education

  • Member of the Music Educators Hall of Fame

  • Distinguished Service Award, Music Industry Conference

  • National Citation, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia fraternity

  • Citation, National Federation of Music Clubs

  • Citation, Foundation for the Advancement of Education in Music

  • Lowell Mason Fellow, Music Educators National Conference

  • The National Symposium “Aiming for Excellence: The Impact of the Standards Movement on Music Education,” cosponsored by the University of Michigan School of Music and the Music Educators National Conference, was dedicated to him on the occasion of his retirement from the University of Michigan School of Music

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